2014年程式開發網站Glitch的CEO Anil Dash與藝術家Kevin McCoy在紐約新美術館的7×7活動中配對合作,向世界發表了將區塊鏈技術運用在數位藝術典藏的點子,也就是NFT的雛形。並當場示範了全世界第一筆NFT交易,交易金額僅僅為4美元。七年後,NFT在2021年全年度虛擬貨幣的交易金額超過了1700萬美元。誰都沒料到當時的一個單純的想法,會大大的改變未來。
臺北數位藝術中心DAC與紐約新美術館Rhizome合作推動7000×7000.tw計畫,延續7×7不設限的精神, 將跨域共創的精神推廣到全國大專院校。只要上7000×7000.tw網站報名並完成個人資料填寫,7000×7000策展團隊透過篩選配對機制,為你挑選合適的合作對象。
聯絡資訊:hbc@dac.taipei 蕭先生
Step 1:輸入7000×7000.tw 進入7000×7000網站報名。
Step 2:收到報名成功通知郵件,並透過郵件內連結填寫個人資料。
Step 3:等待7000×7000策展團隊媒合配對適合的合作人選。
Step 4:媒合合適的合作者,配對成功。
Step 5:加入7000×7000.tw 專屬Discord群組
Step 6:與你的夥伴一起討論發想,並在七天內提出專案。
Step 7:獲得專案執行基金,將你們的想法付諸實現,並與全世界的人分享你們的提案。
主辦單位:臺北市政府文化局、 臺北數位藝術中心、紐約新美術館Rhizome
Make Something New: Announcing 7000×7000.tw
In a special partnership made possible by Taipei Cultural Center New York, Rhizome and Digital Art Center Taipei have teamed up to debut a new art-and-technology collaboration platform, 7000×7000. Launching today, the platform is open to students in Taiwan colleges and universities who have a focus on art and/or technology. Working together in pairs, they’ll be given a simple assignment: make something new.
Developed by Rhizome and \Art at Cornell Tech, 7000×7000 is an extension of the long-running Seven on Seven program. Founded in 2010, Seven on Seven brings together leading figures in art and technology for deep conversation and creative collaboration. Following a brief but in-depth collaboration, they share what they’ve made —a prototype, an artwork, whatever they imagine—as part of a day-long conference event.
A lightweight web, email, and Discord-based app, 7000×7000 allows users to meet and select potential collaborators and to be guided together through a proposal-making process, with curatorial support. Participants fill out a brief profile, select one another, and begin a seven-day collaboration, which culminates in the development of a short proposal. Successful proposals are given further resources and the opportunity to develop projects further with guidance from DAC and Rhizome curators.
DAC and Rhizome plan to team up for a full 7×7 event in the coming months, and successful pairings from 7000×7000 will be featured as part of the program.
7000×7000.tw is made possible by Taipei Cultural Center in New York, Ministry of Culture.