地址 / Address
No.180, Fuhua Rd., Shihlin Dist., Taipei City 111031
電話 & E-mail / Phone & E-mail



Mothra Productions focuses on sound-related production; working in close collaboration with artists in both pre-production and post-production stages. They approach sound in a multifaceted manner and explore the possibilities of sound interfaces through experimentation and technical execution. The studio frequently works with film and theatre directors, contemporary video artists, curating radio/podcast programmes and sound related workshops. The studio specializes in pre-production discussion and arrangements, recording, post production, mixing, film scoring and releases through CD, tape and various online music streaming platforms; experimenting with sound through the integration of multimedia concepts.



馮志銘 Feng Chih Ming

台灣藝術⼤學雕塑所碩⼠,獨立⾳樂製作⼈與聲⾳設計師。時常參與台灣當代⾳像藝術家的作品製作,試著理解聲⾳的雕塑性。早期靈感 來⾃於科幻電影史中類比效果器與動漫⾳效的合成,嘗試於實驗磁帶拆解聲響及數位合成⾳效的研發。持續針對聲⾳中空間、型塑、思維 等⽅向性思考與實踐。

Feng graduated with an MFA in Sculpture from the National Taiwan University of the Arts. He is currently an independent music producer and sound designer, and lives and works in Taipei. He also works with several Taiwanese contemporary artists in their sound productions. He began to discuss the sculptural nature of sound in his works during graduate school. His practices explore the sculptural concept of sound in auditory perception, associating it with the soundscapes of early science fiction movies, linking the sequential layering of everyday sounds, and mixing the sculptural state of auditory perception in the mind. His recent works explore the expansion of resonating interfaces and the perfect match in sounds.

◼ https://mothra.productions

◼ https://www.instagram.com/mothra.productions/
